San Diego Events - Seminars and Speaking Engagements
Lowenstein Brown APLC is available in San Diego for speaking engagements, seminars, and other event participation on family law and divorce.


Michele Sacks Lowenstein, CLS-F, Attorney at Law
will speak at the following events:

Please use our form for speaking engagement requests or call 619-298-6246. Requests may also be addressed to Mona Zemsky, 773-600-7740 or

Michele Sacks Lowenstein, Certified Family Law Specialist in San Diego, has lectured extensively to attorneys, other professionals and the general public on such topics as:

  • What You Should Know about Divorce – Even if you Never Want or Need One
  • Navigating the Divorce Maze with Dignity (this is not an oxymoron!)
  • How the Economy Affects Divorce Decision (i.e. Can you Afford to Divorce?)
  • Mediation vs Collaborative Divorce vs Cooperative Divorce
  • A History of Registered Domestic Partnerships in California

Lowenstein is well-qualified in the field of family law, and would be appropriate for professional groups (legal, medical, accounting, financial planning, counseling and more) as well as women's groups, non-profits, church groups and more. makes news in July, 2009:
In their Business News for San Diego, California, the San Diego Business Journal Online published an announcement on July 6, 2009, of the formation our new Professional Law Corporation: Lowenstein Brown, APLC.